Bucket List Travel:Crete, Greece

·       Bucket List Travel Crete, Greece


·       Script from Kirsty Nunez


·       Introduce Crete (Creta)

o   Largest Greek island

·       Outline highlights

o   Ancient civilizations

o   Antiquities

o   Beautiful beaches

o   Stunning mountains in interior of island

o   Shopping

o   Food

o   Lovely people

·       West v. East ends of island

·       Need to rent a car

·       Highlights:

o   Three cities and their old towns: Irakleio, Chania, and Rethymno

o   East: Beautiful views, Irakleio Archaelogical Museum, Knossos (archaeologist guides), Malia ancient site/outdoor museum

o   West: Samaria Gorge, Botanical Garden of Crete

o   Mention DK Eyewitness Top 10 Crete Guide

Mary Beth McCabe

I go by Dr Travelbest, and write, publish and sell books on solo travel advice for middle age and older women who want to travel. 5 Steps to Solo Travel is the Series Name, and found here and on Amazon.


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